Hear from Her

Hear from Her

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Embracing Motherhood is the theme of Hong Kong Momtrepreneurs in 2020 and there are a women empowerment program called MOMs4MOMs Fellowship Program. Some beneficiaries of MOMs4MOMs are interviewed and they have shared their own stories and thoughts about #Embracing Motherhood.

 Let’s hear from Abeer, an ethnic minority mother of 3:

Abeer came to Hong Kong from India during her teenage years which drastically changed her perspective in life. She noticed instances of discriminations that went against her image of Hong Kong, “We expect that Hong Kong is a multicultural city. So, when you say multicultural how come you exclude other countries’ people”.  She sought for a sense of community but found Hong Kong to be isolating for her initially.

Leaving her old routines, comfort and community in India, she worked hard to find her way in Hong Kong. She describes herself as an introvert but after working on her first job and living independently in Hong Kong for several years, she gained the confidence to face challenges head on. Over the years, she invested her energy in supporting many women and new arrivals like her through the adjustment period and by providing further support in different aspects.

Abeer simultaneously cared for her three children and her work passionately. Now, she hopes to gain a degree and eventually start her own NGO. She wants to learn about entrepreneurship in order to put her ideas into action because she believes the success of her children, her family and her career are interlinked.

There are hundreds of stories like Abeer’s in Hong Kong. The opportunities offered to underprivileged, ethnic minority, full-time mothers have always been few and far in between. These women are talented, intelligent and motivated.

The Moms4Moms fellowship program seeks to teach entrepreneurship skills to inspired women like Abeer. The program will not only level the playing field for them, but also offer to Hong Kong the chance to see the talent they have to offer.

To find out how you can support Abeer in her entrepreneurial journey and band together in these LAST FEW DAYS to create an equal, and truly multicultural, Hong Kong:

Click onto: https://bit.ly/sparkraise-for-hkm-moms4moms 

Edited by: Kelly Siu and Khan Uzma Nisa

Interns, Hong Kong Momtrepreneurs