What is Your Impact Philosophy?

What is Your Impact Philosophy?

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Dream Impact turned 3! We are still in awe for the amount of support we get from our partners, the community, friends and loved ones – we really are a blessed team.

From a space for social impact on the first year, to a closely-knitted community on the second year, now we are committing to grow the social impact ecosystem in Hong Kong, we see that this is a role we must play, to continue to reach out to different stakeholder groups that play an equally important role in the society to be a part of this ecosystem. We will be creating an impact ecosystem map starting from 2021 to better understand each other’s’ strengths and continue to make meaningful connections to widen and deepen our impact.

Particularly at a time of polarization and distrust, there cannot be a better time to recognize the need for building trust, break walls and build bridges, so that anybody, projects and organizations can do good and grow for the better, collectively together.

Our Impact Philosophy

“What change do you want to see? What impact do you want to make?”

At Dream Impact this has been a question that has been in our mind for the past year, we took it seriously and after months of reflection and articulation we have derived on our very own Impact Philosophy and how we would lead the organization and community growth going forward. Before the HOW, do allow me to walk through our thinking process and first off, we question how does change happen and where does impact happen?

Impact, whether positive or negative comes from actions and decisions, which are usually driven by intentions and motivations that are guided by our own consciousness, mindset and awareness. The core of any changes is rooted with consciousness that comes from each of us, from within, influenced by our beliefs and understanding of how the external world works.

Impact too, has its ripple effect beyond our own circle of control as we live in a world of interconnectivity, where our actions are in an interconnected web of cause and effect that stretch out far and wide to people, things and places that we may or may not have intended. We believe that empathy is the form of intelligence that enables us to see these interconnections and to understand the impact we make between people, the society and the planet.

‘Dream Impact Turns 3!’ event on the 13 November 2020 (Left: Dorothy Lam, Right: Cintia Nunes)

We interpret interconnectivity with a framework that stacks the five elements of ‘身, 心, 靈, 社, 地’ – ‘body, mind, spirit, society, planet’ on top of each other:

The ‘Dimensions of Interconnectivity’ forms the basis of the Dream Impact Philosophy

身心靈 (body, mind, spirit) : intrinsically we believe that it starts from ourselves, from within, from looking after and understanding our body, mind and spiritual states and the connections between the three. Losing any, one would struggle to stay sane, let alone making ‘positive impact’.

In a world that is never short of uncertainties and with changes happening at an accelerated speed due to ‘technological progress’, would staying healthy, sane and content become the biggest challenge for us?

社 (society): then from human to human, we are connected to the community, to the society and to the economy. What makes humans unique is our social learning and intelligence i.e., our empathy. We were not designed to isolate or exclude, forming communities and the ability to drive collective efforts is what makes us powerful.

In a world with opposing opinions and polarized sides, staying hopeful and building trust takes courage, what does it take to mend trust, or to be specific – takes away the fear to trust each other?

地 (planet): and finally, to the world. Our very own planet that we live and feed on.

In a world with finite resources, what is good sustainable growth?

‘Dream Impact Turns 3!’ event on the 13 November 2020 (Left: Dorothy Lam, Right: Cintia Nunes)

For better interpretation, we have further elaborated on WHAT about ‘身, 心, 靈, 社, 地’, ‘the body, mind, spirit, society and planet’ we’d wish for, thus the impact we want to make:

  • 身 (body): physical wellness, health, wholesome
  • 心 (mind): emotional and relational wellness, mental strength, resilience
  • 靈 (spirit): healing, regenerative, consciousness, intentional, purpose-driven
  • 社 (society): building relationships/trust, inclusive, human to human, empowerment
  • 地 (planet): circular, sustainable, low carbon, off-grid, conservation, biodiversity

From Philosophy to Practice

As an intermediary in the social impact scene, Dream Impact’s strategic core pillars of work are 1) Space & Community, 2) Ecosystem Building, 3) Impact Capital. Our Impact Philosophy on ‘身, 心, 靈, 社, 地’ (body, mind, spirit, society and planet) will influence the work we do:

  • Dream Impact staff, their wellbeing and development.
    • eg., we are committed to have 2 retreats in a year for our team so that we can connect with nature. Starting from within applies to our organization too.
  • Projects that foster interconnectivity.
    • eg., collaborations with cross-sectors and communities.
  • Events that’d be hosted by and for our community that nurtures interconnectivity.
    • eg., mindfulness workshops, 2nd hand clothes swaps, plastics waste training
  • Organizations that’d be invited to the Dream Impact community.
    • i.e., we will be revising our partners’ selection criteria.
  • Investment projects and ventures we’d be supporting.
    • i.e., we will revise our due diligence process for potential investees and social startups.

From thinking about impact to applying it in business, we have applied the ‘身, 心, 靈, 社, 地’ (body, mind, spirit, society and planet) dimensions to basic human needs – ‘教育, 衣, 食, 住, 行, 工作’ (education, consumption, living, mobility, work). To illustrate the relationship, we have placed existing business ideas and sectors into the mapping according to a rough estimate of how we think they fit :

Y-axis: Dimensions of Interconnectivity ; X-axis: Dimensions of Basic Human Needs

And if we are to apply this to a few partners from the Dream Impact community:

Companies can transcend across Dimensions of Interconnectivity and Dimensions of Basic Human Needs.
An interconnected web of collective impact by the Dream Impact community.

Imagine mapping all partner organisations (we currently have 80+), we’d form an interconnected web of collective impact this community creates together that weaves into the Dream Impact Philosophy.

Individual Dreams, Collective Impact – this is coded in our DNA, we live and breathe it. From philosophy to practice, this forms our Dream World.

So, What is Yours?

What change do you want to see? What impact do you want to make?

You don’t need to run or work for an impact organization to think about these questions.

What do you think about Our Impact Philosophy? We share because we want to get you involved. Feel free to reach out for a chat, discuss collaborations or partnerships: [email protected]

By 盧家恩 (Cintia Nunes)

Cintia 曾在Procter & Gamble負責策略制定、市場洞察和市場營銷工作,研究市場和消費者行為,為超過10個香港及台灣的品牌制定經營策略。隨後,她加入Grana成為其香港市場的領導人,Grana作為一間經過A輪融資的香港線上時裝初創公司,Cintia進一步提升品牌知名度、開拓不同客戶群組,兼整合線上線下的零售體驗。其後,她加入Dream Impact擔任首席策略及發展總監,重新制訂經營模式,並透過促進策略夥伴和不同社群的合作去擴大及加深對社會的影響力,在兩年間讓公司成為建造香港社會影響力的重要一員。 Cintia現時是南豐作坊的聯席總監。南豐作坊是一個提供創新解決方案的平台,致力推動可持續的紡織科技(techstyle: technology x lifestyle)和農業食品科技(agrifood tech)。南豐作坊亦是南豐紗廠的創新支柱,專注於培育和投資可持續創新的初創公司。同時致力透過香港與英國兩地的協作發展(包括共享辦公、活動、原型製作和體驗店)凝聚相同理念的創業家、社群和合作夥伴,為業界和下一代帶來正面社會效益。Cintia致力讓南豐作坊帶領業界在可持續和創新方面的發展以及成為各界在尋求合作時的不二之選。 憑著推動社會效益和系統變革的熱情,Cintia善於帶動跨部門合作和夥伴關係。她亦以評委和顧問的身份支持不同社會創新比賽以及協助社會企業去訂立發展戰略,從而連繫各方以帶來協同作用和積極影響。 Cintia擁有英國University College London(倫敦大學學院)經濟學理學士學位。