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【Brand New Youth】【後。生】

2021-05-14 @ 10:00:00 - 2021-07-18 @ 19:00:00 HKT

細閱只需 5 分鐘

【Brand New Youth】【後。生】

Brand New Youth – Good designs never age

“Youth” usually associates with being young physically, but it becomes more popular to associate with people with a young heart. Our interpretation of being young does not mean age only, but a young state of mind. With a younger mindset, everyone can have a youthful life.

“Brand New Youth”, as the exhibition of Hong Kong Design Spectrum, designs a space to freeze the time of youth. The exhibition reveals collections of good and everlasting designs that never fade.

This is an intergenerational exhibition that we welcome kids and adults to experience the “Future Us”, to step into the shoes of our seniors and understand them physically and mentally. You may explore the classic and heartfelt designs, passing on stories of the grey-haired, and appreciate the thoughtful designs for the elderly nowadays. The exhibition allows you, from across generations, to exchange the power of youth and wisdom from good designs.

【後。生】 – 好設計讓青春不過期

後生 — 老人家稱呼年輕人的用語;如遇上對的人事物,即使進入「後半人生」,仍可擁有「後生」之身心。

設計光譜本年度展覽【後。生】—— 一個為捍衛全人類青春而創立的空間,珍藏所有讓人保持年輕之好設計。


Date & Time:13.05.2021 – 18.07.2021 / 10:00am – 7:00pm

Venue:3/F, 7 Mallory Street, Wan Chai

Free of charge

日期及時間:13.05.2021 – 18.07.2021 / 10:00am – 7:00pm

地點 :灣仔茂蘿街7號3樓


Remarks for Participants

A. All participants are required to take temperature check before admission. Participants with fever symptoms will not be admitted.

B. All participants must sign a form or register on Eventbrite confirming they have not confirmed infection for Covid-19 and/ or been under compulsory quarantine imposed by the Department of Health. Hong Kong Design Centre reserves the final right for permission of entering the exhibition venue if you are not able to complete or confirm the matters as set out in this form.

C. All participants must wear a mask at all times during the activity. Eating and drinking is not allowed. Participants without wearing a mask will not be admitted.

D. Participants are encouraged to use alcohol hand sanitiser before entry.

E. In light of the current pandemic situation, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel, postpone or change any details such as dates of all events. Participants will be notified through emails or phone calls.


A. 所有活動參加者進場前須接受體溫測量。若有發燒徵狀,工作人員有權拒絕相關人士進場。

B. 所有活動參加者都必須簽署一份「健康申報表」或於 Eventbrite 本活動中登記個人資料,確認他們在過去14天內未曾確診2019冠狀病毒病及/或曾被衛生署要求強制檢疫。如未能填妥本表格或確認表格所列出的事項,香港設計中心將保留可進入活動場地的最終決定權。

C. 所有活動參加者於出席活動時須一直佩戴口罩,期間請勿飲食。若無佩戴自備口罩,工作人員有權拒絕相關人士進場。

D. 活動參加者在進場前建議使用酒精搓手液清潔雙手。

E. 因應疫情實際情況,大會將保留一切權利取消、延期或更改所有活動日期。活動參與者將會透過電郵或電話通知。

About Design Spectrum

Design Spectrum is a new initiative by Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC) to foster a good design culture in the community. Located in a revitalised cluster of Grade 2 historic buildings at 7 Mallory Street, Wan Chai, Design Spectrum features year-round exhibitions, exchanges, design appreciation and other promotion programmes to cultivate a creative atmosphere, while nurturing local creative capital. It serves as a unique public face for HKDC to strengthen linkages with the community and partners locally, in other cities of the Greater Bay Area, ASEAN cities and overseas, and contributes towards creative and cultural tourism.



About Hong Kong Design Centre

Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC) is a non-governmental organisation, and was founded in 2001 as a strategic partner of the HKSAR Government in establishing Hong Kong as an international centre of design excellence in Asia. Our public mission is to promote wider and strategic use of design and design thinking to create business value and improve societal well-being, with the aim of advancing Hong Kong as an international design centre in Greater Bay Area and in Asia.

Learn more about us at www.hkdesigncentre.org





2021-05-14 @ 10:00:00 HKT
2021-07-18 @ 19:00:00 HKT


Design Spectrum
View Organizer Website


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