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利園衣櫥交換派對 Lee Gardens SWAPARTY 2022
2022-06-11 @ 12:00:00 - 2022-06-12 @ 18:00:00 HKT
細閱只需 5 分鐘
利園協會今年再次乘聯本地換物平台「執嘢」及希慎興業﹐帶來的《利園衣櫥交換派對》迎夏日。凝聚社區環保力量不停步,為衣物賦予第二生命!Lee Gardens Association teams up with Hysan and JupYeah again to bring the clothing swap party in our Lee Gardens community this Summer!Share and swap the quality second-hand clothes with us!
【活動詳情 Event Details】
- 日期 Date: 11.6.2022 – 12.6.2022 (星期六、日 Sat – Sun)
- 時間 Time: 12noon – 6pm
- 地點 Venue: 銅鑼灣希慎廣場4樓空中花園 Sky Garden, 4/F , Hysan Place, Causeway Bay
- 費用全免 Free Admission (需預先網上登記 Pre-Registration is required)
更多詳情 More details: https://bit.ly/3NkHTB1
主辦單位 Organisers: 利園協會 Lee Gardens Association、執嘢 JUPYEAH | 全力支持 Supported by: 希慎興業 Hysan Development
【交換物品 What to Swap】
- 只限適合夏天穿著的服飾(男裝/女裝)、飾品及手袋。This swap event is only for men/women’s clothes which are suitable for summer, accessories and handbags.
- 恕不接受鞋履。Shoes are NOT accepted in this swap event.
- 請先清潔帶來交換的物品。以確保物品質素及適合分享,工作人員會先檢查和篩選。Please wash/clean the clothes and items you will bring. To make sure the condition of the items are suitable for swap, the staff will check in advanced.
- 請自備環保袋。參加者不能攜帶行李箱到會場。Please bring your own bags. Participants are not allowed to bring suitcases to the venue.
【如何參與 How to Swap】
- 又是時候清理衣櫃!先揀出不再需要的夏季服飾*。It’s time to clean the closet again! First, pick out summer clothes and items which are no longer needed.
- 請清洗 / 修補準備帶來分享的夏季服飾。Please wash/repair the summer clothes and items you will bring to share in the event.
- 入場前,工作人員會為 JUPPER 蓋上⼿印,以作識別。Before entering the venue, the staff will stamp JUPPER for identification.
- 如有物品分享,請先交給工作人員檢查和篩選。工作人員會逐件檢查物件,非今次接收物品範疇、不清潔、有破損的物品會即場退回。If you have any clothing items to share, please pass them to the staff for checking first. The staff will carefully examine the items to make sure they are suitable for sharing. The items which are not in the designated categories, not clean or not suitable for sharing will be returned on the spot.
- 每位 JUPPER 都會獲發一個大小相同的「執嘢袋」供場內使用。Every JUPPER will be given a “JupYeah bag” for use in the venue only.
- 當你在場內執到心頭好時,麻煩先將心頭好放入我們提供的『執嘢袋』。請自律:JUPPER 在場內不得把物品直接放入私人袋內。Please put the picked items in the “JupYeah bag” provided by the organiser in the event. Please follow the rules and instructions of the event: JUPPER is not allowed to put items directly into any private bags in the event.
- 當你準備離場時,便可將你執到的東西放入⾃備環保袋或可再用的袋內,同時交還『執嘢袋』給工作人員。When you are ready to leave the venue, please put the picked items into your own bags or reusable bags, and return the “JupYeah bag” to the staff.
【*請注意以下事項 Please read the important notes*】
- 每日5pm 開始停⽌收物。Collection of items will be closed at 5pm every day.
- 是次活動只限夏天穿著的男女裝衣服、飾品、手袋。This swap event is only for men/women’s clothes which are suitable for summer, accessories and handbags.
- 是次活動不接受鞋履 謝絕多餘包裝,包裝品將會退還。Shoes are NOT accepted in this swap event.
- 為確保參加者盡享執嘢的樂趣,請細閱及遵守活動規則。To make sure our participants have fun in the event, please follow the rules and instructions of the event Jppers’ Rules: http://bit.ly/juprules
- 為保障參加者安全及健康,請遵守場地內所指示的防疫措施。感謝大家合作! To ensure the health and safety of participants, please follow the pandemic prevention and hygienic measures in the event. Thank you for your cooporation!
【條款及細則 Terms & Conditions】
- 入場時必須出示手機應用程式或電郵內的有效電子門票 QR Code。Please present the valid ticket QR Code in the mobile app or email for event admission.
- 如有任何爭議,利園協會保留最終決定權。In the case of any disputes, Lee Gardens Association reserves the right of the final decisions.
如有任何問題,請電郵至利園協會。For enquiry, please email to Lee Gardens Association: [email protected]
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