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2021-10-16 @ 15:00:00 - 16:30:00 HKT

細閱只需 7 分鐘





3PM – 4:30PM

大圍新翠邨路德會新翠長者中心腦玩童俱樂部 | HKLSS, SUN CHUI ESTATE


Units 19-22 & Units 123-125, G/F, Sun Wai House, Sun Chui Estate, Sha Tin, N.T.

「玩」 很重要 ,”Through Play, It’s Magic”。啟民創社研發的一系列腦化工具,從體驗日常腦化生活、打開話題到分享認知障礙人士、照顧者和市民的腦化故事,嘗試在社區擔當溝通、共創角色;這次與新翠邨路德會長者中心腦玩童俱樂部合作,我們將聯合舉行社區工作坊,透過認知障礙訓練玩具、腦化物件,邀請區內青年、老年人、照顧者開展新對話,共創未來的「腦化好遊戲」點子。

“Play” is very important, “Through Play, It’s Magic”. Enable Foundation developed a series of Dementia tools, that allow experiences from living with Dementia, starting conversations, to sharing stories of people with Dementia, caregivers and citizens, with the goal to communicate and co-create in the community; this time, together with HKLSS, community workshops are held. Through Dementia training toys and Dementia Objects, young people, elders, and carers in the district have a new dialogue to develop ideas for “Experience Dementia through Play”.


1/ 是次為免費活動,請預先登記。http://enablefoundation.eventbrite.com

2/ 名額有限,先到先得。

3/ 所有參加者於活動期間必須戴上口罩,多謝合作。


1/ Free event. Online registration is required.


2/ Limited space. First come, first served.

3/ Please wear face masks in the event.


OK DementiaTM FESTIVAL 2021

日期 Date

21.9 – 24.10 2021



Through creative showcases, screenings, community workshops, and sharings! Let’s learn more about Dementia and co-create for an inclusive culture of “OK Dementia™



2021年九至十月的世界認知障礙症月期間,我們聯結合作夥伴,推出OK Dementia™ Festival 「腦化好社區節」,透過在香港不同社區線上線下舉行的活動,包括在社區放映認知障礙症主題電影、於商場、屋邨長者地區中心合辦體驗日,分享認知障礙症故事、邀請大家參與、體驗、共創腦化物件。根據世界衞生組織資料,2050年將有1.5億全球人口被認知障礙症影響。透過 OK Dementia™ Festival 「腦化好社區節」,我們希望讓香港市民接納認知障礙症,以一個正面態度協助認知障礙群體(患者、照顧者)。

Let’s learn more about dementia and get ready for “Dementia is OK”.

Since 2015, the Enable Foundation has been investigating everyday stories of people living with dementia and their caregivers. We have worked to translate these narratives into “dementia things”. This important process allows us to engage the public to experience dementia and then co-create a more inclusive society through design. As a non-profit social design collective and education charity, the Enable Foundation advocates intergenerational and interdisciplinary collaboration.

This year, through September and October, the Enable Foundation launches its first OK Dementia™ Festival in response to the annual world Alzheimer’s month. Different creative events are happening in different districts of Hong Kong: community screenings on movies of dementia, public showcases to engage the public in dementia stories of Hong Kong citizens, community design workshops to co-create “dementia things”. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 152 million people will be affected worldwide by 2050. We hope to inspire Hong Kong citizens to prepare for dementia as well as accept it. To know that it is OK, helping those living with dementia (both patients and carers) to relax a bit.

Thanks for your warm support!

We can make this happen because of the kind supports from our partners:

For more information, press and enquiry:

please contact Enable Foundation through email [email protected] or phone 3468 2138.

All material copyrights @ Enable Foundation 2021

Please contact [email protected] for images.

Images credit: Images provided by Enable Foundation


Arrangement to COVID-19

To help ensure public safety, special arrangements and precautionary measures in line with the current restrictions under the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance are implemented. Our venues are open with capacity restrictions aligned to the current statutory operating requirements.

You are encouraged to check for specific updates on our website and social media before visiting.

Special Precautionary Measures

Visitors are subject to a temperature check before admission. Visitors with fever symptoms will not be admitted.

Visitors will be requested to fill out a Health Declaration Form before admission.

Visitors should apply alcohol hand sanitisers before admission.

Visitors will need to wear their own masks in the venue.

Eating and drinking inside the venue are not allowed.

Please keep a safe social distance.

Enable Foundation – a social design collective

Design by people, for people

啟民創社是一間從事社會設計的非牟利教育機構,透過跨代共創和設計研究的專業服務,為全球社會議題提出創新方案。我們的宗旨是運用設計思維及行動,發展針對個人、私營及公營機構的創意力培訓計劃及項目。啟民創社於2017年獲得香港政府社會創新及創業發展基金資助,在香港成立據點,開始首個跨代共創計劃——「社創設計室(SI.DLab)」。歷年合作計劃夥伴及資助機構包括:香港藝術青年文化協會、Center for Demens (丹麥哥本哈根)、賽馬會耆智園、香港大學秀圃老年研究中心、香港設計中心等。2020年正式成為《稅務條例》第88條認可慈善機構(IRD File No 91/17298)。


學老社:從設計學習老齡 —— 2020年金點設計獎年度特別獎社會設計獎

腦化城市 —— 2019年DFA亞洲最具影響力設計獎 :傳訊設計 – 市場企劃優異獎

死物習作:信別 —— 2018年DFA亞洲最具影響力設計獎 :產品及工業設計優異獎 ; 2018年金點設計獎標章整合設計類- 社會設計

Enable Foundation is a non-profit social design collective with expertise in cross-generational co-creation and design research for real-world impact, and a registered charitable educational organisation (under Section 88 of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance IRD File No 91/17298). Enable Foundation aims to develop capacity training programmes and projects on design thinking & doing, as well as creativity with individuals, organisations from private and public sectors. It was founded in 2017 in Hong Kong, after receiving start-up funding from HKSAR Government’s Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) to support its first cross-generational innovation programme, Social Innovation Design Lab (SI.DLab). Other funders/collaborators include the Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation, Center for Demens (Copenhagen, Denmark), Jockey Club for Positive Ageing, Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong etc.


The OLD School: AgeReady through design

Golden Pin Design Award 2020 Special Award of Social Design –

Dementia Going

DFA Design for Asia Awards 2019 Merit Award Communication Design Marketing Campaigns

Fine Dying, The Envelope

Golden Pin Design Award 2018 Integration Design Social Design section design mark

DFA Design for Asia Awards 2018 Product and Industrial Design Merit Prize


Enable Foundation
View Organizer Website


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