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Sham Shui Breer – Arts & Crafts Workshop with Inspiring Panels
2021-11-26 @ 18:00:00 - 20:00:00 HKT
細閱只需 2 分鐘
Breer is a food upcycling startup that collects unsold, uneaten, surplus bread from bakeries and restaurants, and uses it to brew local craft beer. This year, Breer is taking part in the Asia Social Innovation Awards, creating a focused project around the Sham Shui Po Community. Breer will be brewing a special coffee beer made with coffee grounds collected from SSP Cafes – you MAY get a sneak peek of it at the event!
Here’s what we have planned:
– Interactive Sharing Panel
Join us in conversation with notable difference makers in the city, and hear their experiences and get inspired! Featuring Jeffrey Andrews, Hong Kong’s first ethnic minority social worker! You wouldn’t want to miss this.
– Art Jam & Label Design Workshop
Design the labels for the next Sham Shui Breer! Let your creativity flow, and turn your SSP experiences into art!
Breer 是一家食品回收初創企業,從不同麵包店及餐廳食肆回收一些未售出或未食用的剩餘麵包,並用來釀造本地手工啤。
今年,Breer 參加了由香港社會創投基金(SVhk)主辦的亞洲社企創新獎(ASIA),在深水埗社區內試行一個重點項目 – 收取深水埗區內咖啡店用剩的的咖啡豆並釀製成獨一無二的深水埗啤酒 – 「深水啤」!
– 與社會創革者的互動分享會
一場與社會創革者的對話 – 改變社會,須從自身的行動開始 ,我們很榮幸邀請到Jeffrey Andrews(香港首位少數族裔註冊社工)親身到場分享他的經驗!
– Art Jam 標籤貼紙設計工作坊